Flash new firmware or not? I'm at my own Rubicon

Firstly, its very difficult to completely brick a printer.

The SKR boards have their own bootloader - and its almost impossible to kill them via firmware upgrade.

Using the pre-built .bin file, you don’t need to edit any configuration files. Copy the file to the SD Card, rename it firmware.bin, plug it into the machine and power it up. That’s it.

If you don’t do the BLTouch first, then run the non-BLTouch firmware - you won’t need to change the firmware until you install the BLTouch and want it to work.

There are a number of YouTube videos that go through the process of physically installing the BLTouch - and there’s also an FAQ on the BLTouch on this forum that has a bit more details - but the BLTouch based firmware on this site already has the modifications needed to run out of the box.