Runout Sensor Error with CR - 10 S5 Mega2560 board v2.2

I just went ahead installed the new firmware and then did a test print with filament sensor on. I’m pleased to say we have a winner! There was no error, and the filament sensor worked as it supposed to after I snipped the filament and let it run through to trigger.

Thank you so very much for all your help with this - it is greatly appreciated!!

I will do a test with M119 and get back to you with the results in a moment.

Sensor Off:

Reporting endstop status
x_min: open
y_min: open
filament: TRIGGERED
ok P15 B3

Sensor ON:

Reporting endstop status
x_min: open
y_min: open
filament: TRIGGERED
ok P15 B3

Well, now, I’m a little confused about this because the results are exactly the same whether the sensor is on or off. :thinking:

Oh! I just re-read what you’re saying. Okay, I’ll try the test this way as you suggest. I think it’s working though.