Absolute Beginner - trying to compile Marlin


I have a BTT e3 mini V2 board and a coresponding bigtreetech tft35 v3.0 display in a CR 10 V2 printer, that needs Marlin to run.

I found the config files (Configuration.h, Configuration_adv.h, _Bootscreen.h and _Statusscreen.h) for the V2 and put them into the Marlin subfolder of Marlin 2.1.4. overwriting the standard Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h.

I then loaded it into VS-Code Platform.Io edited the mainboard in the Configuration.h to BOARD_BTT_SKR_MINI_E3_V2_0.

And build the STM32F103RE_btt (512) Version. Not sure that this one is the correct one.

I got a couple of build errors pointing to Ender Display not working with the board. So I need the Marlin ID for bigtreetech tft35 v3.0

Once I have the Display configured, I may see if the errors are gone.

So where do I find the Marlin ids for displays or what is the one for: bigtreetech tft35 v3.0

Thanks in advance

Danke Marlin für die schnelle Hilfe…

I think you’re making it way more harder then you need to. Head on over to this guys site, he’s done what your trying to do.