Ender 3 4.2.2, BL touch, Sprite pro extruder

I tried to use firmware builder to build marlin for my Ender 3 with BL touch and sprite pro. It keeps giving me the error:

Marlin/src/module/temperature.cpp:324:14: error: static assertion failed: HEATER_0_MAXTEMP (315) is too high for thermistor_1.h with HOTEND_OVERSHOOT=15.

It compiles without error if i drop the max nozzle temp to 270, so I am using that for now but am i doing something wrong?

First time compiling a custom marlin build!

Yeah - the Max temp of the stock temp sensor is 300c - so to allow for overshoot detection, it needs some overhead whilst keeping the sensor within its specification.

As such, the max temperature selectable for a 300c sensor is 285c.

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By any chance did you manage to make working firmware, i’m on Ender 3 pro, 4.2.2 with sprite pro extruder and BL Touch and haven’t found a firmware yet (found this from Google).