Ender 3 4.2.7 change TH input

Dear all,

I need your help! Hopefully this is the right place to ask for. If not please move it to the right thread.

Basically I want to change the input used for the Hotend thermocouple on my board 4.2.7. I´m using the Marlin-2.0.x version and managed to manipulate the software and successfully flash it to the board. But I couldn’t achieve my main goal.
Because of a short, the original input for the Hotend thermocouple Pin 25 (PC 5) is shorted to GND.
I´m not using the board level applicator and therefore I want to use Pin 27 (PB 1) for it. I changed the assignment of the variable TEMP_0_PIN to PB 1 in row 142 under Marlin->src->pins->stm32f1->pins_CREALITY_V4.h . But I still get the max_temp_error. Connected through pronterface the terminal says:
Error:MAXTEMP triggered, system stopped! Heater_ID: E0
echo:Err: MAXTEMP
Error:Printer halted. kill() called!

With that messages thrown I guess that the max_temp_error is thrown at several places. Probably in line 2354:
LOOP_L_N(e, COUNT(temp_dir)) {
const raw_adc_t r = temp_hotend[e].getraw();
const bool neg = temp_dir[e] < 0, pos = temp_dir[e] > 0;
if ((neg && r < temp_range[e].raw_max) || (pos && r > temp_range[e].raw_max))

But I´m unable to understand and find out how the variable “e” is assigned to the specific input pin.

I´m extremely happy about your help.

Kind regardsm Lukas