Ender 3 Pro / Linear Advance

Sorry for my very late response. My Ender 3 Pro heatercartridge died and i had no time for fixing this because i was stucked with my other projects.
So now i had time to do some tests with linear advance and i am quite happy with the result. I will do more tweaks on some parameters but for now i am impressed.
Corners are sharper, nearly no stringing or fuzzlings, faster printing and no wipe or coast needed.

Standard parameters for PLA:
90mm/sec inner perimeters
40% outer perimeters
4mm retraction at 40mm/sec
no extra distance for reretraction
no coasting
no wipe

last line in my startscript is:
M900 K0.6 ;K-Faktor Lin Adv

(K0.9 prints even nicer but its too aggressive at small parts)

My tunings:
DD extruder
capricorn bouwden
4.2.7 silent board

tnat´s it

would like to share a short video of the extruders behavior but don´t know how…

side effect: accelleration seems to be lower but therefore you have much more printing speed with no overshooting, ringing or over/underextrusion.