Ender 3 SKR Mini E3 V2 EE400 CR Touch bed leveling

Forgive me for not being very strong in this part. I am using the custom firmware builder, and the only real changes I am using are changing to a 400x400 bed and adding in the auto leveling. I am using a CR Touch.

Here are my settings I am using.

Using Probe Port.
Using Probe for Z homing.
Bilinear Bed Leveling
Grid Size (X and Y) 6

The problem is when I try to run a bed leveling (not with a print or anything), the lower left corner drops off the build plate and it fails. What setting would I have to change to fix this?

You need to set the probe offset:

Is this a setting in the gcode or in the firmware?

All of the above. It can be set via G-Code using the M851 command, or from the screen, or compiled in.

Thank you very much.

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