Ender 3 + Touch screen + Sprite extruder pro

I have got new extruder (Sprite extruder pro) and I have bord 4.2.7 with touch screen but I don’t found any firmware for this I tried all what I got but still not working


Hi Murshid. I have the same set up. I found some firmware options from Creality directly today. However after installing, my touchscreen seems to be stuck on the initial screen. I plan to keep trying the different options to get this working. If I find the right combination (or if you find one that works before I do) I’ll come here and update you.

Be careful using the firmware that ships with the Sprite hot-end kit; Ender 3 Max Neo, upgraded from OEM hot end to the Sprite. Flashed machine with kit-provided firmware, and now I have no display at all. Zero, just black. The printer still works fine, but only from my PC, no other way to access the machine. Creality is utterly useless when it comes to tech support or answering questions (contacted them about this literally months ago, still no reply.) It’s not the touchscreen display, it’s the stock LCD / rotary knob-pushbutton setup.

I’m in the same position as you guys.
Did anyone find a solution.

My setup:
Ender 3 Pro
Motherboard 4.2.7.
CR Touch
Sprite Pro extruder