I have an Ender 3 v2 Neo with 4.2.2 board and Gigadevice processor; tried updating with firmware provided by this website and got blackscreen/stuck in intro image.
1: I have fallowed the instructions: same problem
2: flashed the sd card completely, full format, quick format, etc…: same problem
3: I have bought new sd card: same problem
4: did the plug off + rename firmware + plug in and update: same problem
5: tried putting DWIN_SET file in the SD Card along with the firmware file and every combination of files inside DWIN_set associated with and without firmware file: same problem
6: used 3 diferent SD Card formater programs : same problem
7: checked termister and such hardware problems…same problem
I have been able to update with the firmware provided by creality; no problems as long as I update the screen firmware before the mainboard firmware; otherwise it will black screen/stuck in intro image forever.
Does anyone have an idea of what to do?