Ender 3 V2 with CR Touch and Z Stop Switch

This is the new motherboard that came in the mail for me (looks like a 4.2.2 version). Now I just need to install it and test the firmware. I will update the results when finished.


Okay I installed the new motherboard that Crealty sent me.

I am still having an issue with the Z-Probing wizard > Move Z to Home option. The CRTouch probe does not deploy, and it continues to flash red.

So unless this is a wiring issue which I doubt, we can rule out hardware being the issue. This appears to be a firmware issue.

So I will ask again: Is your build compatible with Crealty’s CRTouch device (5 wires and not the BLTouch)? If it is compatible, then what else could be the issue here?

Also my Z-Stop endswitch is NOT installed. Should I put it back?

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