Ender3-V2-BLTouch with 315° hotend maxtemps

Dear Folks in the Dept. of Miracles and Wonders: The latest firmware download for 1. Ender 3 V2 - BLTouch works beautifully. I would like this exact compilation but with 315° hotend maxtemps.
I attempted using the firmware builder beta and did not achieve the same level of capability and stability as the Ender3-V2-BLTouch firmware download.
Can one request the source for a specific compilation?
Thank you so very much for any support. I’d be willing to pay for some help with this.

You’ll have a lot of problems getting to 315 degrees without overhauling the hotend… It’ll need at least an all metal hotend - as the PTFE will degrade above 260c…

I have installed an all metal Dragonfly BMS hot end, heater cartridge and non-PTFE thermistor, all rated to over 350°C.