Firmare builder Errors for Ender 3 w/ BL touch and FROD


I have an Ender 3 that I will be extending to a 400x400x500 machine. I also have a CR Touch and a FROD. I want to make sure I have both of those implemented in the firmware. I am using a 4.2.7 board and everything is using it’s custom pin (CR Touch and FROD are in their standard pin slots)

The problem I have is I get the following error when I try to build the firmware

Marlin/src/HAL/AVR/…/…/inc/SanityCheck.h:1054:6: error: “FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR requires FIL_RUNOUT_PIN.”

Marlin/src/HAL/AVR/…/…/inc/SanityCheck.h:1845:6: error: “Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN must be defined if Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN is not enabled.”

There are quite a few errors, but these tend to repeat a great deal. I would like to use the BL Touch as the Z min Endstop as I did in Klipper. Can I not do that even though it’s an option in the builder?

Thank you for your time.

figured out my own issue.

Since I’m using the 4.2.7 board (and the Ender 3v2 is pretty much the same machine) I changed the base firmware to the Ender 3 v2 4.2.7 board and added all the things I wanted into it.

This resolved the pin issue because the builder now knows what pins I’m using.

Since I’ve also updated the screen from the stock ender screen to the V2 screen, there are no concerns there either. (also, I think this screen has a separate update process so it’s a non-issue iirc)