I’ve got an Ender 3 with a BL touch, 4.2.7 mother board and a sprite extruder. I’m currently running Creality’s firmware, but when I run bed levelling (through the printer interface) it returns to the center of the bed at the end and bottoms the extruder on the build plate. The version of the firmware I used before upgrading the extuder did not do this.
I’m looking for a firmware build that will support this configuration but I’ve been unable to find one. I’ve also tried using the firmware builder, but the build always errors out with this error message:
“Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN must be defined if Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN is not enabled.”
Can anybody either point me to where I can find an appropriate firmware build or explain how to fix this error? It doesn’t seem to be something I can control through the firmware service interface.