Help! Can't update E3 Silent Motherboard for Ender 3 pro

Been f*****g with this for days with no success. Beefed up my Ender 3 pro and about to throw it out the window. The GitHub firmware won’t compile using Marlin Auto build. How can I build this code without using Marlin Auto build? Does this page provide this service? Please help

I have this:

Z probe offset is an issue here…

Added cr touch and this:℃-printing?spm=..collection_cc8cf8b4-3da1-49c7-bc32-dd0e246caef8.albums_2.1&spm_prev=..product_9eeea412-e2a9-43dc-a208-779134718bd8.header_1.1

Need high temp capabilities.

Supposedly use this code:
search: GitHub CrealityOfficial E3-Free-runs-Silent-Motherboard

And I can’t get it up upload to the printer…