Identifying Ender 3 V2 screen versions

Creality have begun shipping out multiple different screens with Ender 3 V2 printers - and as we see more of them appear in the wild, we are finding minor problems with rendering and different behaviour to different revisions of the screen hardware / software.

Generation Type CPU Chip Picture Notes
Gen 1 / DWIN N2VX82.00HG08
or on chip

Firmware goes in the DWIN_SET directory.
Gen 2 / DACAI F1C100s

Firmware goes in the private directory.
Gen 3 / VIEWE SWM32SRET5-50

Gen 4 AIHM17?

Firmware goes in the TJC_SET directory. Not much else known yet.

If you are reporting a problem with the graphical output of one of these screens, please take note of which screen you have - as some require more hand-holding than others.