Increase offset limit from 49.9 to higher

im running ender 3 pros with 4.2.7 boards, sprite extruders and CR touch not BL touch.

the offset limitation of 49.9 doesnt allow me accurately set my Y offset. its about 5mm forward of the center and i cant set it further back because of this limitation.

I am having the same issue on an Ender 3 Max with a 4.2.7 Mother Board. The home position as set in the firmware is X102, Y160. If I wanted to position home at the center of the bed I would need X147, Y160 (nozzle) or X176, Y200 (CR Touch Probe). Currently bed leveling places the probe way off the front left corner of the bed. I would really appreciate the ability to increase offsets higher than ±50. Hoping to see a change soon as this would set up the printer perfectly with the latest Marlin FW

This should probably be added here:

While this is for the zoffset specifically, its the same problem as the X/Y offset as well.