Marlin compile issues

I’ve been trying for the last hour to figure out what I am doing wrong to no avail, and I don’t understand why visual studio is flagging the errors at the top of the config file when I haven’t made changes to that portion of the code, the error is in the same location on both config files the (/**) at the very top, and it won’t let me build. ant help would be appreciated, Thank you!

Um I cant see the picture on my phone. But I thought most of the files were pre compiled? Oh I see I thought you were using the custom firmware service files. Duh on my part. Does it compile? Have you tried the marlin auto build plug in ( can’t remember the correct name) for vs code? I’ve complied with squiggle errors before.

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I have the squiggle errors but there is no checkmark at the bottom of the screen, this is a whole new world for me and I’m very cautious as the last time I tried this the mainboard of my et5x started going nuts and I’m not sure if it’s my fault or if the guy I bought it from was lying to me when he said it was working fine. with the new board installed i just don’t want to ruin another board. also sorry for my late response, been very busy with work.

Do you have platformio plug-in installed in vs code? Oh wait I see that is. There’s a video provided by TH3D for installing their firmware to different machines but they go thru the whole process of setting up vs code and platform io.
It might help.

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Also I see you have marlin auto build, try that it’s worked great for me.

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If you have a link to that video ( just so I know that I’m looking at the correct video), that would be great, I’m just so afraid to brick this board; it cost $80 and took forever to get the darn thing. I tried the auto-build marlin, but I made a mistake in the begging, and after the initial board died, I thought I’d be clever and install a bunch of add ons like a direct drive and a HeroMe, and now all the stock settings no longer apply, so I’m not sure if the auto-build will work.

This is just a suggestion. Be careful.

It might help you to understand a bit more how to set up the vs code and platform io.

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Google search TH3D vscode

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i will study a bit more and see what shakes out, thank you!