Hi Everyone,
My printer was working fine but I wanted to add it a CR Touch device. Everything is properly connected, and I have successfully updated the display firmware with files downloaded from the Creality’s web site.
BUT, updating the mother board firmware is impossible. After SD card insertion and power on, nothing happens. The display shows the Creality name and that’s all. My board version is 4.2.2, but the chip everyone is talking about on forums is NOT the regular STMxxx device, it is a GDxxx. I was looking for a firmware to download from your site, but CR Touch is never mentioned. I wanted to register, but the database issue you mention seems to make this impossible.
Is your Ender 3 V2 - v4.2.2 Board - BLTouch firmware compliant with my HW configuration?
Best regards
The CR Touch is compatible with the BLTouch as far as firmware goes.
As for the GD chip, I’m not 100% sure. In theory, it should work without any problems - however I haven’t tested this myself and nobody has specifically said either way if it works for them or not if they have a GD chip on their board.