Hi there,
i am currently using the firmware from “Ender 3 - v4.2.7 Board - BLTouch”.
This was the only source for a prebuilt firmware that supports Bltouch and the smart filament runout sensor.
The firmware worked fine. But now the sd card slot got broken and i tried to switch to octoprint.
It first seemed to work fine, but after some layers of printing the printer does weird stuff.
It stops moving, then moves in a random direction, even one time tried to move out of bounds with the steppers motors going crazy.
I think there is an issue in the daily build i currently use (Ender3-v4.2.7-BLTouch-20240526).
I may have a slight chance to get the sd card slot working at least shortly for an firmware update. But i would prefer a stable build over a nightly version to ensure that its not firmware related.
Octoprint seems not be the source of the issue. I compared the gcodes it sent with those that should have been sent and they are exactly the same.
Can someone help me out?