Hi, I have a Sapphire Pro printer with A4988 extruder stepper motor drivers. I wanted to enable Linear Advance and after enabling it, my printer is printing much slower. On average, it’s about twice as slow compared to when the function is off. What could be the reason for this?
I’ve tried changing the extruder’s jerk and acceleration settings. Initially, the extruder made incredibly unpleasant grinding noises. However, even before adjusting the jerk and acceleration, the printer was significantly slower than with Linear Advance disabled. Now, I have set jerk = 5 mm/s and acceleration = 2000. The K parameter I obtained during Linear Advance calibration is 1.6. The printer is still printing much slower, about twice as slow as I mentioned. During printing, it’s visually apparent that the print head moves very slowly. I’ve set a constant print speed of 80 mm/s, but visually, it moves about half as fast."