So i have an Ender 3 pro with a 4.2.7 motherboard and a cr touch, i’ve put the Ender3-v4.2.7-BLTouch-20240710.bin firmware but none of the steppers works, aurohome neither and i’m tired of fighting against firmwares since i’ve upgraded to 4.2.7…
Normally, when the steppers just stop working (discounting a different hardware fault), its because the wrong firmware is loaded (v4.2.2 mainboard vs v4.2.7)…
Double check you’re using the board you think you are - as this label should be printed on the mainboard itself.
already checked, i’m on the good board, i’ve had creality firmware for 4.2.7 that worked properly it’s since i’m on marlin… i’ve changed because the official creality firmware resets evry time i boot my printer