Ender3 4.2.7 board + BLTouch + TouchScreen (Screen unresponsive)

So I thought I put all my options correct in the builder, but it’s not giving me a working version.
My screen is unresponsive.
Any thoughts?

After compiling the firmware, what DWIN do I need to install into the Crealty Touch Screen?

The Creality Touchscreens are not supported by Marlin.

You may have some luck with the Insanity Automation fork of Marlin here:

What do you mean when you say it’s not supported? I used the Firmware Builder and there is an option for the Touchscreen in the Display Tab.


DWIN isn’t a touchscreen - its a communication protocol with the display.

These require a rotary encoder - aka the knob.

There’s a number of different DWIN screens (and likely more now) documented here:


Did this get resolved in the past 2 years?
Do we have support for Creality touch screens and Sprite Pro extruders?

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