Problems downloading from

I am absolutely a fresher in this bussines of 3D printing and have started with an Ender 3 printer with motherboard V4.2.2. Apparently there are several commands (filament change, for instance) the machine does not recognice. Apparently it is a firmware version problem.
I have visited the website to download the latest firmware for an Ender 3D printer with motherboard V4.2.2. Since this requires you to be a member and make a donation I followed the links that made me become github patron (4$/month) but when I tried to log in it did not recognize my email and password.
Could anyone let me know if my subscription to github is valid for downloading the firmware from Marlin and if the answer is yes tell me how to proceed to download the software. If the answer is no, I will be really confused since that website takes you to github for the payment…

I think you have the two sites confused. and Marlin · GitHub are the official source code and documentation sources for the Marlin Firmware. is my site - run as a hobby to lower the barrier to entry for common 3D printers to keep firmware up to date with the latest improvements with Marlin and hopefully, make it a more plug and play experience.

Both don’t require payment - and my site is a ‘pay what you like’ model. You can donate any value from $0 to whatever you think it is worth.

The donations to my site cover the expenses in operating it - including the 40 CPU cores that back up the custom builder and nightly builds, and the infrastructure that makes it all work - as well as monthly donations to the Marlin Firmware team. I’ve been doing the monthly donations to the Marlin team for over 2 years now.

Hopefully this explains the difference, and clears up any confusion.

Thanks for the clear explanation!

I will go in your site and see if can make it. I will to register in your site and then make the download and donation


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