Tried to install a CR touch leveling system and now my whole system has quit working

I got the new CR level device in and followed the instructions to install it on my Ender 3. I updated the firmware using the file I downloaded from the Creality website. after I tried to install the new firmware my printer quit working. I can not move any axis and when I try to do an auto home the unit will not move, locks up, and tells me to reset it.

I looked on the controller board (not LCD but main board) and it says Creality ver 4.2.2, but when I go to the ABOUT PRINTER SCREEN it says ver 4.2.7. I don’t remember what it said before this install but my printer was working fine before I tried to install this leveling system.

I went to the Marlin site, contributed, and downloaded new firmware and I think I updated it correctly. The screen on POST says Marlin 2.??? bug fix. the machine has asked me a few times to update the EPROM and I followed it through the directions but nothing seems to have happened.

What happened to my printer? What did I do wrong? How can I get it back to operating again? I’d give up the bed leveling system if I could get my printer back working again.

If your mainboard states v4.2.2 on it, make sure you have the v4.2.2 firmware installed.

The version here is the hardware version of the mainboard.

Installing firmware for a v4.2.7 mainboard on a v4.2.2 mainboard will have the problems you describe.

Thank you so much for your reply!

How do I go about installing the Ver. 4.2.2 firmware? I doesnt seem to want to accept that firmware version and the ABOUT PRINTER screen continues to read ver. 4.2.7. should I just continue to try to update the firmware with the 4.2.2 ver or is there something else I need to do?

Brian Houle

I followed your instructions and reinstalled the 4.2.2 firmware for my Ender 3 and viola’ everything moves again!!!

Can you direct me to detailed information as to how to set up my printer with the CR touch installed? I have tried 4 times to follow the instructions that came with the CR touch unit to no avail. I can not see any negative numbers when I am trying to set it up and store the settings. the order of events to follow is not accurate in the Creality instructions either as my LCD doesn’t goo in the order described by directions. I am not computer illiterate but I am feeling llke an absolute beginner at this stage.

Any direction and help would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Houle

The BLTouch FAQ might help here:

Thank you once again for your reply.

I am able to deploy, stow and reset the plunger of the solenoid. I am assuming that this means it is operating correctly (we probably both know what assume can mean…lol).
I will watch the video to hopefully get a better handle on ow to set the Z axis offset. If you have any more advice I would be very willing to hear it. Thank you so much for getting back to me again.

I am pretty sure it is setting the Z offset that I am getting wrong so I hope the video information is the info I need to do this. I dont do anything real serious with this printer, it is my first foray into 3D printing and have had good success with the projects I have attempted. I was trying to add some time saving things to using the printer like the Z axis leveling device hopefully I can get it to work,

Brian Houle

Hi Brian,

There are two different ways to install the BLTouch; one involves connecting all five wires to a dedicated Z-Probe port (which is one procedure), and the other involves 3 wires in the Z-probe port and the black & white wires in the original Z-stop port, which is a different procedure. I went through six months of lunacy before getting my BLTouch to work in my Ender 3 (I was using the five-pin Zprobe port for all five wires and disconnected the original Z-stop wires), and what finally got it working was changing the “HIT STATE” for the Z stop in configuration.h from “HIGH” to “LOW.” Disconnecting the original Z-stop switch opens that circuit up, which tells the processor that the switch has been hit, so it wouldn’t allow ANY downward Z movement. Getting reliable & complete information isn’t always easy, that’s for sure!